Flying my private aircraft since I was in the Marines in my twenties, I occasionally write reports of these experiences.
The Angle of Attack project: 
Beginning in the Spring of 2010, we have now completed a full evaluation of the Alpha Systems Angle of Attack Stall Warning Legacy Display. See the formal Test Flight Plan and review our resulting Test Flights that proved that it works well.
Here's the latest Test Flight report on the Eagle AoA; its image appears on the front cover of July 2012 Aviation Safety.
I am sure you'll want to hear from pilots who know and fly Angle of Attack systems, and review the reasons we ought to think about adding a simple and affordable Early Warning of Stall display, one based on AoA sensing. This device will save a lot of lives.
If you are an aviator, please take a few minutes to look at this section and our collection of recently published articles on the subject. (Relax. I'm not selling anything; I have NO financial interest in these products). Finally, a few thoughts on how to fly these displays in our light aircraft, a two-part ABS article on AOA by four who test-flew the SafeFlightAOA and have flown many other AOA displays, and a list of Flight Schools that are now teaching AoA in AoA-equipped aircraft.
HUGELY IMPORTANT NEWS...June 2015--in the , the FAA is making a big push to get AoA indicators installed in General Aviation aircraft. From this same FAA website:
"The FAA encourages owners and operators of GA aircraft to install AoA systems in their aircraft. An AoA indicator is a cockpit instrument which may help prevent loss of control in small aircraft because it provides a more reliable indication of airflow over the wing. Although AoA indicators have been available for some time, the effort and cost associated with gaining installation approval limited their use in general aviation. In February 2014, the FAA simplified design approval requirements for AoA indicator. Today, AoA indicators are becoming increasingly affordable for GA pilots and can help prevent stalls..."
Approval and Guidance? see FAA AIR100-14-110-PM01
Background: In an extraordinarily helpful December 2011 FAA clarification letter, the FAA Small Aircraft Directorate explains that installation is a "minor alteration" on the vast majority of light general aviation aircraft.
This is a Big Deal. "Well Done!" to the FAA! My thanks to the great engineers and the leaders at the FAA Small Aircraft Directorate.
Then, on Feb 4, 2014, came another News Release from the FAA Admistrator and the Secretary of Transportation -- The FAA Clears a Path for Installation of Angle of Attack Indicators in Small Aircraft!
July 30 2014 -- AOPA reports
Read the full FAA inFO document here
The FAA followed up in April 2015 with an AOA Addendum to the Instrument Flying Handbook. Short and to the point, it should be truly valuable to any pilot ...and... October 2015, they updated the FAA Currency Requirements and Guidance for the Flight Review and Instrument Proficiency Checkguide with a new emphasis on AOA (see page 16, Paragraph 4-3d) How To Review AoA during IPC flights.
Which is Better? Compare XM WX and WSI WX at the same point, same view, same time...on two identical MFD displays.
A major learning experience late in my flying career,
"The Education of a Pilot:"
Part One: A Journey of Discovery
Part Two: Another Pilot "Sees the Light"
Part Three: A Simpler Way to run Lean Of Peak EGT you prefer a video explanation? Here is superb summary of LOP Operation from Martin Pauly; it's so clear and so well done that it's added here 15 years after the original article was published. It's 25 minutes, but absolutely worth the time.
An Engine Failure on Takeoff in a Baron
Advanced Baron Seminar -- Simcom/ORLANDO
Circle-To-Land Procedures -- A few tips collected from experienced pilots
"BLUE BIRD" - A rare and beautiful 1940 Waco ZPF-7 biplane.
"STUDLY" -- The King Air Blackhawk 90XP
The Beech Colemill President II Baron we formerly operated
A review of the Baron's (and King Air's) Avidyne EX 500 Multifunction Display
.... and Features that I wish it had. ... and the newer
EX600 MFD --They did it! SLEW and ZOOM to see detailed WX. Terrific. Here's the latest EX600 (Jan/2010).
Going Paperless in the Cockpit! - using Jepp Charts on the EX600 and on a SolidFX tablet.
Here's how I fly paperless: passing on a few tips that were freely shared with me.
ANGEL FLIGHTS are a truly special privilege for those of us who fly these missions. Here's a typical story:
An austistic patient traveling alone - From Ohio to DC
And another: Katrina - Morgan and Matthew
Silliness (you gotta keep a sense of humor):
Aviation Foolishness
Travel Reports as webpages and more Travel Images (all are QuickTime movies):
Many of these images were taken from the aircraft.