Jepp Charts on the Avidyne EX600 and
the SolidFX chart tablet
Ours was among the first cockpits to adopt the superb Avidyne EX500 MultiFunction Display, and our confi guration (which has now been upgraded several times) has always included Cmax -- Avidyne's variant of Jeppesen-format airport charts (Arrivals, Approaches, and Departures).
Here's how I fly it. The EX500 could do it all pretty well, but with mapping, airborne radar, traffic, and charts on the MFD, I always felt that I had a bit too much information on one screen. There was too much toggling back and forth, and that busy-work always seemed to occur when I needed to be concentrating on more important tasks.
When we moved to the King Air, we had more panel real estate and a center console that had room to store a tablet, so we installed the Avidyne with charts but we did not hook up our airborne radar to the MFD. The nose radar kept its own scre en...so we ultimately had Traffic, Charts and Mapping on the EX600 (and, because we retained the non-WAAS 530/430 navigators, we can put WSI weather on them too.)
So, the EX600 gets us halfway to a "Paperless Cockpit"...and for a year we rarely pulled out an airport chart; we used the EX500/600 screen for almost all airport charts (Exceptions being the very complex arrivals/departures at major airports) and we still carried all Jepp binders and had them readily available. The HI/LO-Enroutes are still nearby and handy. For a while, we owned a nice Motion 1700 tablet and we ran Jepp's FlightDeck software on it. We ultimately abandoned that device for the SolidFX tablet and then abandoned that for the iPad and Jepp MobileFD.
Now, the Avidyne EX 600 backs up the tablet.

Possibly my favorite part of the Cmax functionality is the automatic display of the taxi charts. At initial PowerUp and initial taxi or after landing and slowing below 30 knots, this page appears, with the aircraft's ownship symbol.
Even on very complex ramps, it's kind of hard to get lost with tools like this. |
EPILOGUE: in 2011, like everyone else on this planet, I bought a iPad. Here is one way, and it is surely not the only way, to fly it. For my aviation ENROUTE and APPROACH charts, I installed Jeppesen MobileFD. Great application; l like it a lot.
Any questions? just give me a call, or
click on the e-mail link below.
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