
Fred Scott,
(434) 295-4188 |

a soft foggy morning in southern Albemarle, the carriage
house at Bundoran awaits your pleasure.
The horse teams live in the paddocks adjacent to this
working barn where grooming and hoof care is part of the
daily routine. The carriages rest
The large vehicles for the big teams include several waggonettes,
an opera bus, and a huge
keg wagon loaded with varnished wooden barrels. Several
sporting carts make nice
vehicles for a flashy presentation of a single horse. |
Europe came a van from the Isle of Jersey and from Normandy
a French charette.
Few experiences are more moving than driving a team
away from this beautiful site, or - for that matter
- back here for a party on the inside. The carriage
barn is kind of like us: "We clean up well!"
this simple but elegant barn is a high ceiling space
and room to maneuver the heavy wagons. The carriage
house was designed by our university classmate and architect
Charles Matheson who understands the operations of multiple-horse
teams operations.
He drives his own team of four rare
Cleveland Bays in The Plains, VA, and the Queen's Cleveland
Bays when he goes to Windsor Castle.
We don't even try to operate at that level; we just
try to be neat and clean. But
we sure do appreciate their carriage turnouts, because
we know what it takes to pull it off.
you'd like to have a party in this barn - as Greg
and Jennifer Love did - please contact one of our
Event Managers.
We drive horse teams and walk ourselves
to enjoy the magnificent landscapes
as we travel through the open pastures,
then up into the sloping orchards,
through the heavy mature forests
checking on our timber stand improvement
practices, along our mountain
trails or down through the
valley we live in. Please follow these links to
continue your tour of our farm.