These pages will lead you to the arts
& cultural events going on and places
to stay in our community, to Event
Planners who can help you with party planning here or
elsewhere, and to direct contact with
our farm staff. Also here: Driving Clubs,
Horseback riding and Publications.
IN THE IMMEDIATE VICINITY (we share a property line):
Albemarle County's fair is located
here at Bundoran Farm, every August.
Virginia Tech Dept of A&PS Equine Program, headed by Dr.
Ann Dunnington and Dr.
Rebecca Splan, both of whom have attended our Driving
Lots of really good
draft horse links are here!
is a weblisting of many Virginia
trainers, breeders, suppliers, etc.
Shenandoah Valley Driving Club, pleasure driving in the valley:
contact Neil Robichaux
or call (540) 377-6719
James River Driving Club: drives carriages in Richmond and
around central Virginia. Contact Dot Ruqus at 804-556-4486
or Cheryl Childress
at 804-784-0001
Potomac River Driving Club, meets around northern Virginia:
contact Marged Harris
or call her at 540-338-4354
TRAIL RIDES: Gordonsville, VA. David & Sally Lamb, 434-832-3350
Ray Kisamore - call 540-337-6041 - of Lazy K Farms, just west
of Staunton breeds and sells fine Percheron draft horses.
Lazy K Farms and Bundoran Farm operated our driving
schools jointly for several years. We have the highest
regard for their livestock
offers rides and weddings in the Washington
DC area.
Blue Ridge Institute & Museum in Ferrum, near Roanoke,
offers presentations of Appalachian history and culture. Roddy
Moore is the curator; his wife Sally breeds champion Percherons.
friend and Virginia neighbors Bill
Speiden and his wife Sandra are in a special category.
They like to drive teams of four oxen and they do it all over
the American west.
In the summer of 2001, the Bozeman Trail - and its wet gulches
- was a challenge! "Nip"
and "Tuck", "Peanut" and
"Butter" had a long day in this creek!
Once, in public, Bill's team met our four horses and was ordered
to their knees in a very polite bow; then Bill said "Now
let's see your four horses do that!" We slowly drove
away, utterly devastated!
publishes the Carriage
Journal, an excellent monthly glossy magazine on coaching,
carriages and restorations.
is the must-subscribe magazine
for draft horse enthusiasts
is a nice monthly that covers
all aspects of driving: pleasure, draft, CDE, shows, etc.
Very nice, and all-inclusive.
interesting philosophical approach
to animal-powered agriculture. Full of wonderful technical
articles about the use and repair of antique agricultural
HORSES IN VIRGINIA 18 x 24" illustrated color lithograph
now available from artist Ann
Chenoweth Sader. The centerpiece of the illustration is
a drawing of the Commonwealth, noting the major cities, towns,
and county courthouses (and lots of horses!) around the state.
$25.00 per poster, plus $5.00 for shipping to each address.
(Sales tax is included) contact Ann at 804-769-3953 or fax
to 804-769-3942 or email
her Order by mail from Locust Hill Press, P.O. Box 100,
St. Stephens Church, Va. 23184.
in Reading, England 100 miles
west of London, is an extraordinarily well-presented collection
of early farm machinery, waggons, household items, etc. The
Keeper (curator) is Roy Brigden, who was very helpful as we
built the American Work Horse Museum in Lexington Va.
Heavy Horse World is Great Britain's only magazine - and
a good one, too - devoted to Draught Horses, published by
Diana Zeuner.
Claire Short maintains Heavy Horses, a valuable informational resource in Great Britain.
in Reading,
England 100 miles west of London.