
Fred Scott,
(434) 295-4188 |

"A delightful experience"
Dr. E. A. Dunnington is a professor
of Animal Science at one of the great land-grant colleges
in the United States. She is a trained as geneticist
and has worked with poultry much of her career, but
among other responsibilities at the University, she
is responsible for overseeing the equitation classes
which are taught at Campbell Arena on campus.
Ann says: "I attended the first Dick
Sparrow driving school hosted by the Kisamore
family [Lazy K Farms] and Fred Scott. This was a
delightful experience for me. I had not previously worked
with large hitch horses and thoroughly enjoyed my interactions
with the horses and with a varied array of draft horse
enthusiasts (students and instructors).
Here, she and Pam Umberger
are driving our unicorn hitch at
Animal Industry Day 2000 at Virginia Tech.
July 2002, Ann returned to Bundoran with her husband,
Dr. Bob James - a distinquished professor of Dairy Science
at Virginia Tech - to spend a private lesson day with
us ... driving their horse Levi on one of his early
expeditions away from home, and enjoying our teams as
Levi did really well. He got lots of new experience
looking at farm machinery, trucks and cars on the state
road out front, and walking around our lake. All new experiences;
we think Ann was wise to take him out with other teamsters
to have plenty of help if she needed it.
Not that she did, but "Safety First" is always
a good idea. |
James, shown here, was just great with his first time
at the lines with a pair. He was a natural with the team,
just really quick to understand the principles involved,
and after an hour or so, was driving with real comfort.
He comments: "Ann and I had a great time at Bundoran.
My exposure to driving thus far had been a clinic at Pam
Umberger's and more ground work with our light horses.
I certainly enjoyed working with your boys and your professional
instruction. You certainly packed quite a bit into our
session on Tuesday morning.
One of the real benefits of private lessons is the intense
amount of instruction and driving that we can get into
the day.... and it pays off. For us, it was great fun,
and we are pleased thet Bob is now a committed teamster
Dr. Dunnington has responsibilities
in the equine science program at Virginia Tech. She
is the faculty coordinator for the breeding horses (warmbloods,
Thoroughbreds, Quarter Horses, and Arabians) maintained
as a teaching and research herd in the Animal and Poultry
Sciences Department. In addition, she teaches equine
science classes.
Commenting on the Driving
School, she continues: "Because each student was able
to progress at his or her own speed and to choose particular
hitches to drive, we all benefited greatly from the
experience. The camaraderie which developed during the
eight-day school was wonderful."
Dr. E. A. Dunnington, Professor
2200 Litton Reaves Hall
Department of Animal & Poultry Sciences
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, Virginia 24061-0306
Phone: 540-231-9179
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