Laura Bonner driving at home
"I had such a great time at your clinic!"
Jan Bonner
Jan Bonner and her daughter Laura attended
our Driving School in 2000 as a mother/daughter team. It
was such a delight to have them; they were a great addition
to the class.
Jan writes: "I have driven horses for years, but had
never had any formal training. It was great to have several
instructors [Lynn Tuckwiller and Pam
Umberger helped us teach at that school] there to help
with everything from light horses to drafts, and singles
to multiple hitches. I
left with much more confidence in my abilities, and a real
desire to learn more. Thanks, Fred!"
Later that year, our crewmember Brittany Amiss
asked if we would bring a team to her school so she could
demonstrate her class project: horse teams. We would, and
did, but we had forgotten that Laura went to the same school.
What a treat for us when Laura ran up with sparkles in her
eyes, and she and Brittany went for a drvie with their classmates.
We just sat on the steps and enjoyed watching these bright-eyed
and polite young people.
Jan and her daughter Laura are currently driving 2 Fjords,
and are starting 3 youngsters in spring 2001 as well. Laura
isn't driving much, as school is taking lots more time this
year. She wants to do really well, and works very hard on
schoolwork. They drive only at home right now, but are looking
for other areas as well.
Their best driving mare is leaving in a week to get bred,
and then going to Equitana (June 16-21) for the Fjord horse
promo booth and exhibition, but she should be home after
that. Their primary vehicle is a Bellcrown 2-wheel cart,
but they also have a Bird-In-Hand wagonette but rarely use
it except for shows.
Ask Laura
Bonner or her mother Jan
Bonner about the School