A long time ago, I was given a bluebird box as a Christmas present. With shame, I admit to thinking that was a silly present for someone to give....because, on the front of the box was burned in the wood:
"Birds can't read" think I, but in mid-February, I stuck the box on a fence post.
Well, I was wrong again. Bluebirds can. A pair of bluebirds moved in within a day. I was so delighted that I sent a check to that address and told the company to send me all the bluebirds boxes that $400 would buy.
The phone rang. It was Jack Finch, calling. "Largest order we ever got! I'll deliver them!" and he did, a few weeks later. What a pleasure to meet this man!
This project began with Jack Finch raising money for his local Ruritan Club: one man, one garage...and the groundswell began.
Jack is dead now, but his spirit and the bluebirds live on. . We have been hanging bluebird boxes ever since we met him; we now have a hundred or so here at Bundoran.
There are bluebirds everywhere. These birds add to the extraordinary
beauty of these gentle hillsides. By autumn, when our forests develop
their fiery colors they begin to group together, sometimes a large group in one bluebird house. Looking down the valleys, we see acres
of rolling pasture. We stop for
a break at a gazebo and from time to time we hear reports that keep us grinning...like this one from a neighbor, on Valentine's Day 2010:
"Fred, We are participating in the annual bird count done by Cornell ("The Great Backyard Bird Count") which is a nationwide event every February. Usually the largest number of birds reported are cardinals, with bluejays, chickadees, etc "up there". But thanks to you Bundoran's number one small bird is the Bluebird! ... Dorothy
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The bluebirds fly over flocks of wild turkeys that live in the forest and wander in and out on the pastures and trails throughout the farm, too.
Recently we saw a Really Big Blue Bird here, too.
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