
Fred Scott,
(434) 295-4188 |

Some of our Charter Members
Nice article! ... by Clint Buck, published Sep 2003 in
"The Virginia Sportsman"
a former member of both the US Archery team and the All
American archery team was offered a quiet place to hunt,
this true sportsman quickly became a charter member of the
Bundoran Hunt Club in southwestern Albemarle County.
Joel Lecker - involved with archery for over 40 years and
shown here with his 2003 trophy - noted that he ...likes
the Bundoran Hunt Club rules that allow no permanent tree
stands so as to maintain the natural setting to hunt among
the hardwoods and apple trees.
Safety and solitude are both assured by the structured sign-in
process by hunters which assigns a specific Its
my section today sub-area for each archer.
Leckers friend Greg Summers from Lynchburg, the owner
of TRU Ball - the leading manufacturer of mechanical releases
for the archery industry - agrees: As the President
& owner of three separate businesses, I rarely have
time to seek out game prior to and during hunting season...
but at the Bundoran Hunt Club - Wow!... a private opportunity
to hunt deer, where the smallest allowable buck is a 16
inch antler spread.
Typical of that goal is this November 2003 23" spread
12 point trophy taken - nearby,
by gun - by our youngest Archery Club member, Jimmy Wynne,
son of our Club Manager.
This is a place where deer, turkey and a few bear
abound, from rock cliffs and rhododendron thickets, to acres
of white oak forests, apple orchards and sprawling fields.
Summers continues Where the terrain and land cover
includes apple orchards interspersed with fingers of hardwoods,
creating inside corners intertwined with well-traveled animal
trails from bedding to feeding areas. This magnificent property
insures multiple prime stand locations and points of observation.
The Club requires daily sign-in by each hunter and this
insures both privacy & opportunity, without intrusion
from unwanted human encounters which can spoil a good hunt.
TRU Balls sales manager, Randy Summers, adds: I
have scouted the land. On our first time out (at noon) we
saw deer in the apple orchards. We saw turkeys running through
the woods and a fox. The land is set in the beautiful Blue
Ridge mountains of Virginia on a 2000 acre farm that is
kept in perfect condition. The archery-only section is surrounded
by other farm land to help keep out unwanted trespassers,
and this archery-only land is up high above the apple orchards
- perfect for the person that loves the bow hunt! The club
is managed by some of the best names in the sporting goods
business, and Jim
Wynne has an exceptional reputation for building great
hunting clubs. No bucks can be taken with less than 16 inch
antler spread which will assure MONSTERS for all of us in
the club! I think I am going to love this place.
Charter member John Hull related his experience with a big
bucks only rule: I hunt in Pennsylvania and
suggested that our group there start letting the small bucks
walk on. After discussion that included comments to the
effect that ... if we don't take them someone else
will... we agreed to try it. For nine years thereafter,
adult hunters have refrained from taking any small bucks
and it has been amazing at the increase in antler size.
Albeit, we went from taking 10-15 bucks a year to 3-4 bucks
a year, but the "Buck Pool" winner - no money
involved, just bragging rights at the cabin! - has taken
a larger buck each year, and now we really have to get out
the measuring tape to decide the winner."
For a fascinating discussion of deer over-population and scientific game management, please see an
Audubon Magazine article by Ted Williams. (Sorry. The Audubon archivist tossed this one)
Lecker added: I really like the Bundoran Hunt Clubs
cooperation with the Virginia Game Commission as it develops
a game management program. We like to play by the rules.
Professional game management coupled with a good gene pool
for mature bucks and bear makes for an excellent hunting
opportunity for the true sportsman.
Wayne Thacker, an administrator at the Survey
and Evaluation Research Laboratory at Virginia Commonwealth
University was interviewed as he was heading off to New
Mexico for an archery elk hunt. Thacker adds: I appreciate
very much getting in on this opportunity. My main expectations
include a dog-free environment; being associated with quality
sportsmen as members; quality game management. Solitude
in quiet forests while hunting gives me a realistic expectation
of taking home some game. Thacker is an equine devotee
and curious about the Bundoran Farm
Draft Horse schools. He and his wife are hoping to ride
their horses on the mountain trails as they scout the club
land for his preferred hunting locations.
John Hull is an Examiner with the Essex Insurance Co and
a competitive archer, too. He notes: It isn't easy
to find an area that offers bowhunting only and the 600
acres in the middle of - and buffered by - this large surrounding
property is a great opportunity. As I am familiar with five
of the charter members through tournament archery and have
hunted with John Gilbert and Wayne Thacker, I'm sure that
we will have a great time at Bundoran.
"John and I took a whirlwind tour of the farm with
Jim Wynne - the club manager - and it is beautiful. Since
the weather was cooperative we took a hike from the lake
to the mountain top and across the ridge, then along the
property line and back down to the small orchard. We had
an opportunity to see two small bucks and eight or nine
does and fawns. Not bad for just a casual walk in the summertime
for an hour and a half. I am excited about the goal of proper
management of the deer population and believe the large
bucks only antler restriction will allow the Bundoran
Hunt Club to become a true trophy hunter's dream.
Editors Note: A wait list is maintained for the Bundoran Hunt Club. For information
see or contact Jim
Wynne by telephone at (434) 981-2428 or by email
at jim_wynne@comcast.net Jim is shown on the right with Jason and his magnificent
2003 trophy.
Clint Buck is a nationally published writer and hunter who
lives in Albemarle.
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